Gaiters and covers

For Train Couplers

The front and intermediate couplers are the system and safety-relevant components of a train. They are directly exposed to potentially damaging environmental influences such as snow, ice, dust or sand.

Our snow and dirt protection products for couplers are designed to ensure the couplers’ functionality in all weather conditions. This increases component life and reduces maintenance costs and train downtime.

Demonstration how Dellner Front Gaiter protects coupler from ice and snow

Reduced Maintenance

Dellner’s snow and dirt protection products keep your couplers clean and free from debris picked up while the train is operating.

At the same time, we have designed the coupling protection in such a way that maintenance personnel can carry out their work without any additional interference. For this purpose, simple fasteners and well-positioned access points can be used during regular inspections without having to dismantle the entire system.

Select the coupler protection